She’s Been Off the Air for Awhile But Now She’s Back on Fox 17
If you are a Fox 17 news watcher, especially in the early morning, you have missed someone. But, she's back!
Meteorologist Candace Monacelli is back on the air on Fox 17's Morning News. But, where has she been?
Having a baby, that is where she has been. Maternity leave is always a good thing for mothers, so Candace has been learning a new job these past months, Fox17 said, the joy of motherhood.
There is a HUGE learning curve here, especially when you are a new mom and it is your first child! I certainly speak from experience.
Alright, alright, not as a mom, but as a father of seven, I have no idea how that happened, that first time can be scary. What do I do? What's going on? Why is it crying? Will they break if I don't hold it in a special way? I can't believe a little human can poop that much! I might gag here!
But, after number two, three, and on, it's really okay. It's like, whatever. No matter what, everything will be okay!
Candace was blessed with three and one half months of maternity leave so she could welcome little Mia into the world with her husband.
This morning, her first day back, anchor Elliot Grandia said, the last time Candace talked about the weather, temperatures were half of this week's forecast. Who knew we were going to have a tropical heat blast this week. She did!
So, now it's back under the lights, in front of the camera for Candace, and forecasting the weather on Fox17 Morning News.
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