Michigan Morel Mushroom Hunting Season is Here – Where to Find Them
Morel mushroom hunting season has begun in Michigan! The popular mushrooms are in Michigan and will arrive to new parts of the state in the weeks to come.
See where to go for your best chance at finding morel mushrooms in Michigan!
Morel mushrooms commonly grow in places where there has been a wildfire or a prescribed burn.
The Michigan DNR is helping morel mushroom hunters with a map of every location in Michigan where there was a fire of 10 acres or more in 2016. There are 70 locations on the map. Many fires were over 100 acres and the largest fire was 500 acres. Good places for morel mushroom hunting can be found all over the state including West Michigan locations in Allegan, Barry, Montcalm and Muskegon counties.
Once you arrive at the site of the burn, where should you go?
Head for the shade. Mushrooms like shade, so grassy or open areas with a lot of sunlight are less likely to contain morel mushrooms.
Enjoy your hunt and be sure to properly identify morel mushrooms.