Find Out When Our First Frost Will Be! Maybe!
Finally our weather has turned fabulous after a string of really hot and humid days here in Michigan. And by humid I mean South East Asia type humid. WOW!
But now the air feels so good with lower dew point temperatures, low humidity, and cool, almost fall like mornings.
We all love fall, but we still have some summer left and we want to enjoy it, However, some folks are talking about when the first frost will be.
Last week I wrote about this coming winter possibly being the coldest winter we have had in a long time. But to get there we have to go through fall and our first true frost.
So, as I did before, let's ask the Old Farmers Almanac to see what it says about frost.
"A frost date is the first light freeze in fall.
The classification of freeze temperatures is based on their effect on plants:
Light freeze: 29° to 32°F (-1.7° to 0°C)—tender plants are killed.
Moderate freeze: 25° to 28°F (-3.9° to -2.2°C)—widely destructive to most vegetation.
Severe freeze: 24°F (-4.4°C) and colder—heavy damage to most garden plants.
Note that frost dates are only an estimate based on historical climate data and are not set in stone."
That last statement certainly covers them doesn't it.
Around here, Michigan, since we are a northern Midwestern state and typically get cold earlier than Midwestern states south of us like Indiana, the Old Farmers Almanac says our first frost date this year in Grand Rapids should be.....OCTOBER 5TH!
Give or take a few days possibly, you can bet on it! Or, NOT!
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