It’s ArtPrize, Please Don’t Hit Any Of The JaywalkersIt’s ArtPrize, Please Don’t Hit Any Of The JaywalkersFor the next month, be prepared for people wandering into traffic like zombies when downtown Grand RapidsRob SparksRob Sparks
Founders Releases New Beer for ArtPrizeFounders Releases New Beer for ArtPrizeArtPrize is just around the corner which means so is a new beer from Founders!ChristineChristine
Meijer Gardens Teams With DisArt for New ExhibitionMeijer Gardens Teams With DisArt for New ExhibitionMeijer Gardens Teams With DisArt for New ExhibitionAndy RentAndy Rent
Local Artist Is Bringing H.U.G. Exhibit To City Hall During ArtPrize 10Local Artist Is Bringing H.U.G. Exhibit To City Hall During ArtPrize 10She plans to hug over 25,000 people with her exhibit and is looking for people wanting to help spread the love! Rob SparksRob Sparks
“Nessie” Is Becoming Messy And Being Removed From The John Ball Zoo“Nessie” Is Becoming Messy And Being Removed From The John Ball ZooImpressive the 18-foot high, 100-foot long Styrofoam monster lasted almost 10 years. Rob SparksRob Sparks
A Pretty Big Change To Art Prize AnnouncedA Pretty Big Change To Art Prize AnnouncedThis is likely going to hurt the local economy a bit. Rob SparksRob Sparks
13-Foot Toy Cap Gun Coming to GRAM for ArtPrize 1013-Foot Toy Cap Gun Coming to GRAM for ArtPrize 10The piece is already starting conversations.Matt MilhouseMatt Milhouse
ArtPrize Favorite ‘Intersections’ Back in Grand RapidsArtPrize Favorite ‘Intersections’ Back in Grand RapidsWant to see it again?Matt MilhouseMatt Milhouse
Artist Registration Now Open for ArtPrize 10Artist Registration Now Open for ArtPrize 10Want to be a part of ArtPrize or know someone who does? Register now!Matt MilhouseMatt Milhouse
Youth Groups Invited to Compete for $2,500 at ArtPrize 10Youth Groups Invited to Compete for $2,500 at ArtPrize 10A fun way for kids to get involved in ArtPrize!Matt MilhouseMatt Milhouse
‘River of Mirrors’ Wins $15,000, Coming to Grand Rapids‘River of Mirrors’ Wins $15,000, Coming to Grand RapidsAnother major art installation set for Matt MilhouseMatt Milhouse
ArtPrize SXSW Competition Awarding $15k and Spot at Calder PlazaArtPrize SXSW Competition Awarding $15k and Spot at Calder PlazaAnother welcome expansion to ArtPrize!Matt MilhouseMatt Milhouse