This past weekend I was driving to Brighton to watch a granddaughter play soccer for a  state championship. She plays for the club team Grand Rapids Rise.

So I'm traveling on I-96 over to the east side of the state and drivers are blowing past me. I'm doing an average of 78 mph and that is like a snail's pace compared to some other drivers. Geeze, they must be doing close to 90, I thought.


At that point you're hoping there is a trooper around, but nope, nobody is pulled over for a speeding ticket.

Traffic cop standing by sports car
moodboard/Getty Images

It got me wondering about what speed you have to be doing to get pulled over if you are spotted. And then I wondered, what do you suppose is the highest speed someone was going ever in Michigan before getting a ticket.

Police car on road with flash lights and siren
GummyBone/Getty Images

I found, according to our sister station 99.1 WFMK, that a MSP trooper pulled someone over for doing 137 mph on I-96. Holy cow! Maybe they were one of the drivers who passed me in a cloud of dust.

However, I found out that is not the fastest a MSP trooper has issued a speeding ticket for in Michigan.

WFMK reported an article in the Detroit Free Press from 2020 that a driver, around midnight, on I-75 in Detroit, was cited for driving 180 mph! What??

Nightly City Traffic
welcomia/Getty Images

Eye popping, isn't it!

180 mph is 110 mph OVER the speed limit of 70! 

Grand Tour Nation wrote it was a Dodge Challenger Hellcat.

How do you stop a car like that? Try to meet his speed? Not a chance. The police were only able to stop the vehicle by radioing down to cruisers further down I-75S. 

So, you're wondering what happened to the guy? He was fined $180 and four points on his license. That's it!

Oh, by the way, my granddaughter's Rise team lost in the finals 2-1. Lots of tears after that one.

I returned home at an average speed of 76 mph!

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