
The Eight Best Wines From Michigan
The Eight Best Wines From Michigan
The Eight Best Wines From Michigan
As you enjoy summer take the time to toast a long sunset with one of the best wines produced in Michigan. Michigan's top wines have been sampled by the experts and narrowed down to eight award-winning Michigan wines.
Happy National Drink Wine Day! Michigan Makes ‘Wine Region to Watch’ List
Happy National Drink Wine Day! Michigan Makes ‘Wine Region to Watch’ List
Happy National Drink Wine Day! Michigan Makes ‘Wine Region to Watch’ List
Happy National Drink Wine Day! I know, there's like a made-up holiday for everything now. But any day that gives us an excuse to imbibe, is worth marking on the calendar in my opinion. Turns out, Michigan is an awesome place to celebrate National Drink Wine Day: According to CNN, Michigan is one of the top up-and-coming wine regions in the entire world!
And the Survey Says: Wine Beats Beer for Christmas
And the Survey Says: Wine Beats Beer for Christmas
And the Survey Says: Wine Beats Beer for Christmas
Much has been written about pairing wines with whatever you are serving up for dinner, or whether a stout or an IPA would best accompany that stew on your stove. But when it comes to alcoholic beverage choices for American adults, how much does when factor into the type of drink one chooses? Apparently, quite a bit, according to a recent Harris Poll.
Open a Bottle of Wine Without a Corkscrew [VIDEO]
Open a Bottle of Wine Without a Corkscrew [VIDEO]
Open a Bottle of Wine Without a Corkscrew [VIDEO]
It's happened to me several times and I'm sure to you, too.  You have a lovely bottle of wine that you're just dying to open, but, alas, no corkscrew. You can't find it anywhere. Horrors, what do you do? This fellow has a very tricky answer.
Since Grand Rapids is now Beer City, What About Wine?
Since Grand Rapids is now Beer City, What About Wine?
Since Grand Rapids is now Beer City, What About Wine?
Grand Rapids has been honored by people literally around the world as a true "Beer Destination."  With Founders Brewery attracting folks from far and wide, Grand Rapids Brewing Co. opening, and other craft beer makers brewing some fabulous beers locally, Grand Rapids seemingly is the spot to be for beer lovers. But, what about wine?  I love a good glass of wine.  Wine has been left behin

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