There's no doubt about it, Grand Rapids is an awesome city. We've got lots of attractions and fun things always going on, we're a family friendly city and appeal to the younger crowd as well. Grand Rapids has A LOT to offer so no wonder why we make so many "best of" lists...
LaughFest is just around the corner, early in March. It will be ten-days of nearly non-stop comedy. You can get a head start on your laughing at the Dog Story Theater in downtown Grand Rapids this Wednesday night.
We are never at a loss for good, quality, theater in Grand Rapids and West Michigan. Not only do we have the best of Broadway's touring shows from Broadway Grand Rapids, we have Grand Rapids Civic Theater, Spectrum Theater, Heritage Theater, Masterpiece Theater, Circle Theater, and, in the summer, the Hope Summer Repertory Theater
Spring Break! The time of the year when families and individuals, take time off from the cold winter weather and....take a break!
Many leave. Yeah, leave and go south seeking warmth, beaches and water.
How do you top this? That may well be the thought after Grand Rapids Civic Theater announced the new season of show for 2013-2014.
It's an incredible line-up, bringing a number of shows never seen on the Civic stage.
One thing great about Grand Rapids is that we're never at a loss for great theater. There are so many theater companies in town and so much talent available, that there is always something extraodinary on a stage.
The grandaddy of them all, Civic Theater, opens "Harvey" this Friday night and runs through January...
Theater is alive and well in Grand Rapids.
How about spending an exciting, exhilarating, thrilling, (enough with the adjectives), night at the theater. Going to the movies is great, but I have two wonderful, legitimate theater, ideas for you.
Ever wonder how a jury reaches a decision in a murder trial? What if the evidence presented in the courtroom was so overwhelming, only one vote was needed to convict the accused? But what if one juror had a lingering doubt that wouldn't go away?