grand rapids art museum

Grand Rapids Museums Help Bring Children’s Museum To Newtown
Grand Rapids Museums Help Bring Children’s Museum To Newtown
Grand Rapids Museums Help Bring Children’s Museum To Newtown
Two Grand Rapids museums are working to help the victimes of the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy.The Grand Rapids Children's Museum and the Grand Rapids Art Museum are both giving a portion of their admission proceeds this Saturday to help build a museum in Newtown.
Rosa Parks Circle Ice Skating To Start November 30th
Rosa Parks Circle Ice Skating To Start November 30th
Rosa Parks Circle Ice Skating To Start November 30th
A fun-filled evening for the family is planned for November 30th to kick off the holiday season in Rosa Parks Circle. A few of downtown's most popular holiday events (the GRAM Tree Lighting, the opening of Rosa Parks Circle Ice Rink, and the free horse-drawn carriage rides) will be combined to make it into an event to truly kick off the holiday season in Grand Rapids.
New York’s Whitney Museum Exhibit Opens at Grand Rapids Art Museum
New York’s Whitney Museum Exhibit Opens at Grand Rapids Art Museum
New York’s Whitney Museum Exhibit Opens at Grand Rapids Art Museum
The Grand Rapids Art Museum is opening an exciting exhibit today, "Real/Surreal." Grand Rapids is the first city of several cities that will show the exhibition, part of a three-year partnership between the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City, and the Grand Rapids Art Museum.
Grand Rapids Museums FREE 4 ALL Happens Again This Weekend!
Grand Rapids Museums FREE 4 ALL Happens Again This Weekend!
Grand Rapids Museums FREE 4 ALL Happens Again This Weekend!
It's time for another Grand Rapids FREE 4 All!  A few months ago we you about the first Free 4 All that happened in January, and I am happy to tell you that it was a GREAT success! All of Grand Rapids was invited to take advantage of FREE ADMISSION to  4 Grand Rapids museums in the month of January. The tally at the end of the the very first Free 4 All was 14,000 people.  The second one was just a
Kendall College Will Open Old Federal Building for a “Sneak Peak”
Kendall College Will Open Old Federal Building for a “Sneak Peak”
Kendall College Will Open Old Federal Building for a “Sneak Peak”
For many years my wife Kathy and I loved spending time in the Grand Rapids Art Museum.  That's the "old" art museum, the Old Federal Building.  In it's past lives it had served as a court house, post office, government office building and, lastly, for years, the home of the Grand Rapids Art Museum before it moved to it's beautiful new building on Monroe at Rosa Parks Circle.
Laughfest Student Showcase Sunday Grand Rapids Art Museum
Laughfest Student Showcase Sunday Grand Rapids Art Museum
Laughfest Student Showcase Sunday Grand Rapids Art Museum
Kids say the darnedest things, didn't last years headliner Bill Cosby say something like that?  We've been seeing a lot of adult humor but are you ready for the kids to take the stage?  Ready or not, it's happening Sunday at the Grand Rapids Art Museum...
ARTPRIZE 2011 Kicks Off!!!
ARTPRIZE 2011 Kicks Off!!!
ARTPRIZE 2011 Kicks Off!!!
Hard to believe it's already here but it is!  Venue registration opened yesterday, March 14th and continues through April14th, 5pm EST. Artist registration opens Monday, April 18th and continues though June 16th, 5pm EST.   ArtPrize 2011 dates to mark on your calendar are September 21-October 9th...
Here’s Britain’s Daybreak TV Show Visit With Kim Carson!
Here’s Britain’s Daybreak TV Show Visit With Kim Carson!
Here’s Britain’s Daybreak TV Show Visit With Kim Carson!
Well, Dan and Nick were in town last week from England to do a story on Diana, A Celebration.  This was the Sold Out exhibition that Pamela DeVos brought to the Grand Rapids Art Museum.  Dan, the camera guy, and Nick visited with me in the studio last week...
The River’s Royal January
The River’s Royal January
The River’s Royal January
It’s 100.5 The River’s Royal January! All month long, The River welcomes “Diana, A Celebration” an exhibition at the Grand Rapids Art Museum now through February 16th! Win tickets...  and get registered to win a trip to London!