Newaygo Student Sets Off Homemade Explosive in Class, Injures 6
Newaygo High School students were sent home Monday after an explosion in a classroom in which six were injured.
According to Fox 17, police believe a 16-year-old student accidentally detonated a homemade explosive device he brought to school.

In a now deleted Facebook post, the school had initially said the incident had involved a firework - but according to Michigan State Police, it was some other explosive device fo some kind. Superintendent Dr. Peg Mathis had said the school did not consider it to be a malicious attack, but rather “a serious lack of judgement.”
The student who brought the device suffered moderate to severe injuries in the explosion. An additional four students and a teacher had minor injuries and went to the hospital to be checked out.
The school was put on lockdown until authorities determined there was no additional threat to students. The Federal Bureau of Investigation and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms came to assist with identifying the explosive materials involved.
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