Surprise! Did You Know This Is Illegal in Michigan?
The snow we have been waiting for has finally arrived. Are you loving it?
Not everyone does, but here in Michigan it is a given that we will have snow, and most probably lots of it over the winter.
The past few days have been rough on drivers with snow covered, icy roads. There have been so many accidents.
Granted, before and during the holidays, snow does make it a holiday winter wonderland that most of us enjoy. So many folks want to get on the ski slopes, go cross country skiing and build a snowman. But after the New Year, as winter wears on we are chomping at the bit for warmer weather.
But, as we deal with the snow of winter, there is a law in Michigan I'll bet you didn't even know existed.
A Michigan snow law says that you must remove as much snow as possible from your car before driving!
In more simple terms, here is the exact law as described by the website White Law PLLC:
"Driving with an obscured windshield is illegal in Michigan. You’re expected to clear the snow off your front and rear windshields before hitting the road. It’s also recommended that you remove the snow from the roof of your car to ensure other drivers’ visibility and safety on the road."
So what happens if your are pulled over for not removing snow from your car? The police, sheriff, may write you a ticket as a civil infraction and you have to pay up to a $100 dollar fine.
Not only is this law written to protect others, but you as the driver. If you haven't cleared the roof of snow as best you can, a big, quick stop could send a sheet of cascading snow and ice down over your windshield. Guess what? You can't see and, oops, there goes an accident.
And of course, all that blowing snow and possible chunks of ice will be blowing off your roof hitting other drivers rolling down the highway. Bad idea.
Sure it may take just a bit longer to get on the road, but it is well worth it.
UP NEXT: 10 Signs That Michigan Will Have an Awful Winter