We have just finished a record snowfall in West Michigan. Thank you Lake Michigan.

As of midnight Sunday, we had had 23.3 inches of snow fall on us since Thursday. And, for November alone, we have had over 27 inches. WOW!

So, have you dug yourself out? Have you cleaned off your car if it sat out? You need to because its illegal in Michigan to drive in a snow covered car.

Another Major Winter Snowstorm Strikes U.S. East Coast
William Thomas Cain/Getty Images

WILX TV in Lansing wrote about this last year, and according to the Michigan Vehicle Code, “A person shall not deposit, or cause to be deposited, snow, ice or slush on any roadway or highway,” -- this includes allowing snow to slide off your trunk, hood or vehicle roof by failing to clear your car before driving. Not only is it dangerous for you, the driver because you don't have a clear view out of all your windows, but you are a danger to all other drivers and pedestrians as well.

Another Winter Snowstorm Strikes U.S. East Coast
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

We in Michigan are one of 11 states that prohibit driving a vehicle without clearing snow from it. This includes headlights, taillights, brake lights and all exterior lights and even your license plate.

Why this law? Someone on Reddit-GR referenced it was because of a little girl who died from ice falling off of a vehicle driving by her. It only takes an extra few minutes of your time and could keep someone from getting hurt.

Another Major Winter Snowstorm Strikes U.S. East Coast
William Thomas Cain/Getty Images

Avoid that ticket or citation by doing what's right. Not only will you and your family be safer, but so will everyone else.

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