Oh no, not again! Another scam??

So what else is new!

Remember last year when Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel issued an alert to  make Michigan residents aware of a scam with individuals claiming to be home or business security sales representatives.

keys in the keyhole
akinshin/Getty Images

These low life's were showing up at homes and claiming to work for ADT, a contractor hired by ADT, or a company that allegedly purchased ADT. They were hoping to get into your home and have you sign up for a bogus service.

This year, our sister station WKFR wrote about these bums attempt to dupe more people and doing door-to-door calls offering deals on everything from driveway repair to roofing and tree trimming, gutters, and insect control.

Pest Control Exterminator Services Spraying Insecticide
AndreyPopov/Getty Images

I did have one of those friendly knocks on my door recently claiming to be in the neighborhood doing insect control and they would be happy to do my house for a reduced rate since they were already close by. HA! Good try!

Now this month, our sister radio station WKFR says scammers are knocking on doors claiming they are either doing it out of the kindness of their heart or are trying to get their small business some exposure.

Senior couple meeting with agent
ebstock/Getty Images

They also in some cases, WKFR says, are targeting senior because they think they are more gullible or at least easier to convince them than those that are younger.

The key takeaways here are always ask for identification, first of all. Verify it's them. Never let them in your home on that first knock on the door. Take the information they give you and then verify, verify, verify. Call the company to make sure they are actually in your neighborhood. Then, if it is something you can actually use, set up an appointment.

Be cautious and careful! Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men!


LOOK: The biggest scams today and how you can protect yourself from them

Using data from the BBB Scam Tracker Annual Risk Report, Stacker identified the most common and costly types of scams in 2022.


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