Youngest Killer In Kent County Is Now A Free Man
It was six years ago when 12-year-old Jamar Lawhorn was convicted of murder, now he's a free man.
I am surprised that a murder only garnered 7 years in jail even though Lawhorn was 12-years-old at the time he committed the crime but there is a lot more to this story.
According to WOOD, Lawhorn stabbed 9-year-old Connor Verkerke on a playground back in 2014. Lawhorn chose Connor at random in hopes that police would kill him when the arrived because he was tired of the abuse he had been getting from his mother and stepfather.
This was a very sad situation that a young man was so desperate to get out of a miserable life of abuse he felt he had to kill someone to get out. Then again that doesn't negate the fact that another young man lost his life in the process.
While Lawhorn has spent the last seven years at the Evart Youth Academy near Evart, he studied and earned his GED.
After getting the green light from his probation officer and therapist and judge released him on Monday.
Probation officer Dan Cory said to the judge, "I believe he's ready to go now."
Lawhorn's therapist said, "I am extraordinarily proud of Jamrion's progress, and I do feel lke he is ready to step into adulthood and be a productive member of society."
While Lawhorn was at the Evart Youth Academy, he was incident free, did not show aggressive behavior and stayed away from any assaultive behaviors.
Lawhorn told the judge, "thanks for everybody that has helped me out. I know what is expected of me. I respect any decision that is made today."
Now that Lawhorn has been released, he was not just put out on the street to fend for himself, he is moving into the home of William and Paula Creswell who run a prison ministry program in Jenison.
In the meantime Lawhorn will stay on probation while looking for a job and working with a counselor and mentor.
There are plans for Lawhorn to visit with his biological mother but that will be on neutral ground at a later date.
Lawhorn will remain under probation for six months until the judge can take a look at his case for review and because he spent so much of his development period he may remain under some sort of supervision until he turn's 21.
There is no word if the Verkerke family has responded to Lawhorn's release.