West Michigan Author, Greg Smith, On Faith, Hope, And Love Songs Sunday
West Michigan's very own Greg Smith joins me Sunday, on Faith Hope And Love Songs. He just authored his latest book entitled Be Wise, Do Good, Live Free: Random Advice For The Best Kind Of Life.
The Grand Rapids Press probably put it best. They said in a review that "Smith believes firmly in the power of stories to teach, educate, provide guidance and set examples."
—The Grand Rapids Press
That pretty much sums up what Greg Smith is all about. I believe the same thing. I think we have the ability to learn so much from each other through conversation, observation and connection. Greg's latest book would have to be my favorite of his seriea of books. When I interviewed Greg on the air he talked about Ben Franklin's book Poor Richard's Almanac (I've read it too) and George Washington's Book On Civility. It's a way of living that still can be applied successfully today. Greg Smith's latest book Be Wise, Do Good, Live Free: Random Advice For The Best Kind Of Life is a similar read.
Open up this book to any page and you can find a hidden nugget of wisdom, observation, life long learning lessons.
Greg has a number of book signings, speaking engagements and appearances lined up in West Michigan. Some of those include:
- May 2, Book signing release party at New Holland Brewery
- May 17 Noon, Speaking Event GRAPE - Venue TBA Topic: Perspectives that Kill Performance, 10 Myths that are Ruining your Results and Crippling your Career.
- May 17 Evening - Davenport University Secrets for Success - Downtown Cook MBA Center (Free food and drinks provided) Topic: Shrewdness, Decency and Liberty: How to Live the Best Kind of Life.
- May 19: Signing Barnes & Nobel Woodland Mall Noon to 1
- June 23 Book Signing Schuler Books 28th Street
Visit Greg at www.SmithGreg.com and on Facebook too at www.facebook.com/WiseGoodAndFree If you would like to reach out to Greg you can do so at Greg@SmithGreg.com
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