We’ll Have A Great View of the Perseid Meteor Shower This Weekend
I’m not going to lie, I’m hoping for a bit of magic this weekend, as the Perseid Meteor shower is in full peak. Yeah, so I still believe in wishing on shooting stars, and they say you can see as many as 60-70 per hour over the next couple nights.
The best night according to WOOD TV8 is going to be Sunday night and early Monday morning. They also say that any clouds we have during the day should move out at night, giving us prime viewing of the meteor shower.
If you are going out to look, make sure it’s somewhere dark (out of the city lights) and then look towards the northeast to start making wishes.
Also, this weekend, if you’re looking for a darker place to go chill and watch the show, the Michigan DNR is hosting Meteors and S'mores at the different state parks, offering the perfect place to watch the meteor shower and enjoy free s’mores. It’s not happening every night at each park, but you can find out the more info with the link below.
Good luck with making some magic happen. (Which I’m just now realizing I told you to go to a state park in the dark and watch meteors. While I was thinking magic from all the wishes… I guess there’s a couple ways the magic may happen. Good luck either way, lol.)
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