University of Michigan's research capabilities enhanced by 45,000 snakes donated from Oregon State University. The snakes will be utilized in scientific studies and accessible to researchers globally.
Studies conducted by scientists from the University of Michigan in 2021 have shed light on some very interesting connections between sinkholes in Lake Huron and the development of life on Earth as we know it.
Shark lovers gather round! The most important week of the year is coming up - Shark Week! Let's celebrate with all the shark merch we can get our fins on.
Thousands of meteors are reported falling through the skies, but not many are caught on video. On Monday, one lucky Michigander caught one burning through the atmosphere. Driving south on 131, Andrew Gunneson happened to be filming as he drove, and caught the fireball as it burned through the Michigan sky.
No longer are drones used to film cool footage of our favorite land marks. The University of Michigan uses them to predict landslides ... also the scenery isn't half bad either.