What are the Seven Wonders of Southwest Michigan? They are a combination of places and experiences that make the Kalamazoo area wonderful. But it's not just Kalamazoo.
The Grand Rapids Griffins play in Grand Rapids this weekend. We also have magic, comedy, music, and Frozen Jr.. There’s the smashing of a 600 pound pumpkin, Corgis in the Park and National Drug Take Back Day. There is also an Ethnic Heritage Festival. Plenty for all this weekend.
For years you've seen him on TV but now you'll be able to experience the magic in person! Famous magician and illusionist, David Blaine, is going on his first North American tour and is stopping in Grand Rapids.
FOX 17 says Blaine will be at 20 Monroe Live on Tuesday, June 20th and tickets go on sale this Friday at 10 a...
Who says Congress can't get important laws passed? There is a bill up for consideration in the House of Representatives to recognize the importance of magic in American culture. The problem? It completely neglects Michigan's very important role in the history and prominence of magic.