Weird Food Combinations are Yummy
Do you have any weird food combinations? Like, dill pickles dipped in peanut butter, or jello with mayonnaise. You know, something real crazy that you, and probably you alone, like? Actually, you're probably not alone at all.
The Buzzfeed discovered a list from users of the secret-sharing app Whisper as they revealed their favorite bizarre food pairings. I mean, come on, who wouldn't like pickles with frosting, or spaghetti topped with mini M&M's. Okay, those two ARE weird.
So, I got to thinking, do I like any weird combinations. Chips with anything is a little bit of heaven. I love a "Dagwood" type of sandwich, with mayo, mustard, meat, probably ham or Italian cuts, two kinds of cheese, butter chip pickles, bacon, lettuce and tomato. Now you're talking.
I'm not sure I could handle cow brains in scrambled eggs, but it's someone's favorite.
What about you? What's your weirdest food combination?
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