The Worst Elevators In Grand Rapids [Video]
Did you know there are people who review elevators online? It's weird. But they finally got around to reviewing several elevators in Grand Rapids, including one that I hate!
There are extensive reviews of the elevators around Grand Rapids on YouTube. Two reviewers have been through town recently, Elevators From Michigan and QuarioQuario54321.
So here are some reviews of the lifts that lift us here in Grand Rapids.
Let me start be saying this is far and away the strangest thing I've ever posted about. But as I dove into the phenomenon of elevator reviews on YouTube, I became fixated.
Why review elevators? They seem functional and that's all. They either get you up or down, or they don't.
But elevators run so much deeper than I ever realized. I have used an elevator at the Amway Grand Parking structure for years, and I disliked it. It was rarely in service, and this was frustrating, especially when i was hobbled by knee surgery.
When it did work, it was not a good experience. It was shaky and jarring, and it was dirty. Now that a reviewer has agreed with my take on it. I feel vindicated for hating it.
Let's start with Elevators From Michigan reviewing my most dreaded 'Vator, the back one at the Amway Grand Parking garage. It rarely works, and it's sluggish at best, full of garbage and pigeon poop at worst.
Here's another elevator that got a bad review -- the one at the Plaza Hotel out by the airport. QuarioQuario54321 has some bad things to say about this one, but I think he's being too harsh.
Here's an elevator that got a interesting review. I think. I'm not sure. At first she seemed excited by it, but then she called it 'disappointing'.
The weird thing is, people are watching these videos, and while not in great numbers, but I would think three people would be too many. One reviewer has 421 followers, the other has 63.
On this one, a viewer actually asks him what he's doing, reviewing the elevators or just showing them. He answers with a resounding 'DUH!'.
The new Studio Park elevator looks sharp, and it's new! It's Schindler 3300 (FYI -- that IS the same guy from Schindler's List).
An Otis Hydraulic gets a pretty good grade at the Baymont. (Low ceilings, though, BOO.) The best pert of these videos is their interaction with other people, it's usually caustic and quick.
Who am I to stand between someone and their art? More power to these people. Sure, they have low view counts, but they're doing what they love.
What constitutes a good elevator as opposed to a bad one? It's hard to say sometimes, as the people who do it are never real specific, they seem to be hung up on the brands more than the performance.