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Remember Witmark?
Remember Witmark?
Remember Witmark?
Remember the good old days of catalog showrooms? What, you say, is a catalog showroom? Simply, it was a retail location that also had a big printed catalog, sort of like Sears, that people ordered out of, too. And, probably the big one in town was Witmark.
Last Minute Christmas Shopping Online Still Possible
Last Minute Christmas Shopping Online Still Possible
Last Minute Christmas Shopping Online Still Possible
Are you still struggling to finish, or begin, for that matter, your Christmas shopping? Do you hate the crowds at the mall and stores, and the stop-and-go traffic just to get there? Do not fret. It's still possible to shop online and have your gifts before Christmas. Now, if you intended to mail the gifts, that's another story, but you still should be able to get what you want delivered to your ho
Last-Minute Christmas Shopping
Last-Minute Christmas Shopping
Last-Minute Christmas Shopping
Crunch time is here for Christmas because it's Christmas week. You've only got until Christmas Eve to do your shopping for Christmas. Here's a list of some stores and restaurants to help you finish up your Christmas shopping.

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