Who’s Moving Into The Former West MI Toys R Us Stores?
Back when Toys "R" Us closed at the end of June, there were a lot of questions as to what would happen to their old stores.
There were rumors that someone else was going to bring back KB Toys that may end use those stores. Party City and TJ MAXX/Marshalls also said they would be taking up some of the stores.
But what’s happening to the locations around West Michigan?
Well, a ghost moved into the old Toys "R" Us/Babies "R" Us store on 28th St., as you can tell from the video.
And now ghouls are moving into a few of the other locations around West Michigan as well.
It seems SPIRIT HALLOWEEN stores are setting up shop in the old Toys "R" Us location on Alpine near I-96. They also put a store in the old Baby "R" Us store on 28th St. near Patterson. I’m not sure if they really have leased out the haunted location I found on the 4th of July, but if not, they’re missing out on a PRIME opportunity.
OR maybe someone should put a haunted house in that location… I’m just spit-balling' here. Nevertheless, it’s good to see the old stores being put to use.'
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