Miss your college days - specifically hanging out in the library? Well, here's your dream house: A Michigan home on the market has a library fit for a university.
All Grand Rapids Public Library locations are closed for the foreseeable future starting Saturday, March 14, 2020, due to COVID-19 concerns and Governor Whitmer's recommendation that Michigan residents avoid meeting in large groups of more than 100 people.
New York Times bestselling author Jay Bonansinga will make an appearance at the Loutit District Library in Grand Haven on Thursday, October 20th.
Bonansinga is the co-author of the Walking Dead series.
Kent District Library’s Wyoming Branch is offering free STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) activities for kids on spring break.
Reading can open so many worlds to us. Reading for pleasure or reading for knowledge can be wonderful recreation for all ages.
You may like to read, but how about your children. No? Well, how do you get them interested, and at a young age.
Possibly meeting an author might spark something.
The Kent District Library's want your Teddy Bear to be as happy, and as healthy, as you are, so their holding their annual Teddy Bear Clinic.
Kids will have the opportunity to become little doctors and nurses at several KDL branches this winter.