Today, President Trump did something good for Michigan. Lots of places in Michigan got severely flooded in June from the storms, and now that they've been declared disasters, those counties can get more money to rebuild!
West Michigan has been hit with a large amount of precipitation over that last few weeks which has caused the Grand River to overflow its banks. One brave family decided to take to Riverside Park and explore the damage done by the flood water...
The National Weather Service reports that the Macatawa River near Zeeland is near flood stage, while most other regularly monitored river levels are lower.
This spring brought historic flooding to West Michigan.
A very visible reminder of that flooding was removed from the Grand River on Monday as two men took it upon themselves to clean up the Grand River.
The flood of 2013 is not grabbing the attention it did weeks ago, but for many it's effects are still being felt.
Beginning today, Michigan residents may now apply for special low interest loans to replace damaged real estate or property.
Governor Rick Snyder has declared parts of West Michigan a state of disaster.
The declaration will help to ensure that all state resources will be available to those recovering from flooding.