Spring is one of the more dramatic transformations for Lake Michigan. A local photographer was able to perfectly capture the transition in a series of videos.
Dove has been no stranger to amazing inspiring ads directed at young girls and women.
And the company has done it again with its #ChooseBeautiful campaign.
It really does pay to be beautiful. New research from economists at the University of Texas at Austin finds pretty people report being more than ten percent happier than unattractive people. Researchers credit added wealth for most of the additional happiness...
It has been a few days since our ice storm and there are still a lot of areas without power. Nothing more frustrating that no cable, no refrigerator, no internet. Driving the northeast end of Kent County yesterday I was taken by the beauty of so many ice covered trees...
Long before I got in the radio business, I wanted to be an architect. ( I really wanted to be a rock star guitar player and professional hockey player. Those things require talent. ) Somehow, I wound up talking on the radio and appreciating building design and construction from the sidewalk...