If you have an American flag at your home or business that's hanging with pride, but it's getting to be worn out a bit... this entire summer Art Van Furniture is offering to replace old flags with new ones for people.
In honor of Memorial Day and those who have served our country, now through Labor Day all Art Van Furniture stores will be participating in "Red, White & Beautiful Flag Exch
Russell Diesinger and his wife have had a long-held tradition at their home - when their son is deployed, they display an American flag on their front door and place single electric candle in the window. Now they're being told that they can't.
In honor of those who sacrificed their lives during the terrorist events of September 11, 2001, the exhibit 9/11: A Day That Changed America, on loan from the 9/11 Memorial Museum in New York City, and a rescue vehicle used following the attacks, on loan from the Henry Ford Museum, will be on display at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum (GRFPM) in downtown Grand Rapids.
The servicemen and women of our country make huge sacrifices to fight battles on our behalf and keep the freedoms we hold dear. One of those sacrifices is being away from their families and loved ones for long periods of time.
Many of us have an American Flag, and we display it proudly. But, after many years, maybe yours is a bit worn, tattered, or even thread bare.
What do you do with an old flag, anyway. Out of respect, you don't just throw it in the trash, do you?