Student Sues GVSU, Needs Guinea Pig For Emotional Support
While I am not a guinea pig lover, well I use to be, but that all changed after my eyes swelled up and my throat closed and I got a terrible case of the itchies and had to be rushed to the emergency room at the age of 12.
That's what happened when I brought home that little innocent guinea pig from McGregor Elementary School for the weekend Each weekend the students would have an opportunity to bring home a guinea pig, a hamster, a lizard, a frog since no one would be in the school to care for them.
I decided to bring home a guinea pig and well the result was long lasting. Even to this day, I have to stay away from them in pet stores. When the allergy doctor tested me for allergies the welt was so big for guinea pigs that it crowded out all of the other allergy test sites ; so while I personally cannot be near a guinea pig I understand other people's dependence on them.
A Grand Valley student says she suffers from chronic depression and even has a prescription from her psychologist for her emotional support animal. This issue has now become a major issue because fair housing has become involved .