Staying Safe and Volunteering
Heart of West Michigan United Way is always looking for volunteers. There is such a need in our community, and never enough people to fill that need. And, with COVID19/Coronavirus, people are arguably scared. How could you volunteer and stay safe at the same time? Here's how!
The Heart of West Michigan United Way, along with other nonprofits, churches and community organizations, are stepping up. We all want to help, and by logging on to HEART OF WEST MICHIGAN UNITED WAY, you'll find many things you can do, and do it safely.
The Lilly Family School of Philanthropy of IUPUI offers some good pointers to volunteering but staying safe at the same time. They recommend five key things, protect yourself first, washing hands, etc., if you're at a higher risk avoid contact with others, preparing yourself for your job, calling ahead when helping others, and volunteering virtually.
If you are considering helping others by volunteering your time, read the article HERE. It will be well worth your time, and safety.