PEOPLE DOING GOOD: Another Group of MI Teens Save Crash Victims
I don’t know if I’m like Arnold Schwarzenegger in 'Junior' and I'm pregnant or what, but this story made me tear up a bit at how great people truly. Twice in as many weeks have we heard a great story about teens running to help at an accident.
Our latest #TEENSDOINGGOOD goes to the football team at Bark River-Harris High School in Harris Michigan. TV6 reports that as the Broncos were finishing a team picture Sunday evening they witnessed a motorcycle hit a car in the intersection in front of the school.
Their coach told TV6 that it was within a minute and a half that the football team had run to the crash to helped the victims, ran back to the school for emergency equipment and started directing traffic.
As he told TV6,
“It was a pretty impressive display of effort on behalf of the kids. On behalf of the entire football program I'd like to say that Eric and Tera are in our thoughts and prayers and we hope that they are doing well."
The students also helped clear out a parking lot for the life flight helicopter to land.
According to TV6, Eric and Tera were the couple on the motorcycle. Tera was treated at the scene and Eric was taken to the hospital but is expected to be OK.
The fact that we have so many young people willing to run towards a problem or danger is such a cool thing to see. Remember these stories when you hear that our youth don’t care or that there isn’t much good in the world anymore.
These stories are also a testament to parents, keep up the good work!