Patton Oswalt Learned The Weird Reality of Adopting Test Animals at 20 Monroe
Comedians have cities they love to visit, and they also have ones they hate. New York, Los Angles, and Chicago are all known for their thriving comedy scenes.
But as he turned his attention to the crowd, he was faced with a few interesting people. He asked one man what his job was, to which the man replied insurance lawyer, so Patton immediately told him he was "comedy death", and moved on to bantering with another audience member.
The second audience member said he worked at a pharmaceutical company down by Muskegon named Charles River, which many locals may know as one of the laboratories that helped with one of the COVID vaccines. The guy specifically told Patton that he was in charge of helping the test animals be rehomed/adopted, and that's when things went off the rails.
Patton first commended him for at least having that job, even though he wasn't a fan of the idea of testing on animals. He later went on to point out that the mans department "probably hadn't been around very long", to which the man replied "about a decade or so, I think" and the audience roared. Patton had a great time during his visit to 20 Monroe and Grand Rapids, and posted photos of himself enjoying his backstage treats on Instagram.
If you missed him you missed out, but you can keep an eye out for his special, and make sure you don't miss him next time he returns to Michigan.
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