Meet Harold From Crash’s Landing
Harold is a sweet, social cat, yet he has not made that final connection and found a forever home.
Meet Harold, visit him at Crash's Landing, then welcome him to your home!
Crash's Landing is a non-profit, no-kill cat rescue center. Since opening in Grand Rapids in 2002, Crash's Landing has helped more than 2,500 cats. But there is still work to be done.
Each Friday on 100.5 The River is Purrrfect Friday, where we feature a cat from Crash's Landing that needs a home.
This week, we're spotlighting Harold.
Harold was found by a friend of Crash's Landing, in June of 2015, wandering on the southeast side of town. Harold was treated for a few medical issues, but remained happy throughout. Once it was discovered Harold was FIV positive a call was placed to Crash's Landing. Later that year they were able to give him a home with other FIV-postive cats at Big Sid's Sanctuary.
Even through his health issues, Harold has enjoyed every step of his journey. He is very social, sweet and likes being around the crowds that often greet him at Big Sid's.
Harold was born in late 2010. He would do well adjusting to any new living situation. Please adopt Harold!
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