Letter Carrier Food Drive is This Saturday, May 11
There are a lot of people to feed here in West Michigan. There is a big need to make sure folks in need have access to the food they deserve.
The Grand Rapids Postal Workers have been doing their part to aid this effort for the past several years.
Last year, Grand Rapids postal workers gathered over 192,000 pounds of food for Feeding America West Michigan Food Bank through the National Association of Letter Carriers Food Drive. During this year’s drive, on Saturday, May 11, postal workers and the Food Bank hope to top 200,000 pounds.
Look for a ‘Stamp Out Hunger’ grocery bag in the mail, fill it as much nonperishable food as you’re able to give, and leave it by your mailbox for your letter carrier to pick up this Saturday, May 11th.
As they have for many years, Grand Rapids’ seven branches will collect exclusively for Feeding America West Michigan. That food, donated by thousands of individuals across the city, supplements the Food Bank’s distributions for the following 10 months.
They always need Peanut Butter and pasta, canned vegetables and soups — these are staple foods for many pantries. Food collected on this one day allows the pantry to feed hungry people throughout the rest of the year.
This food drive is a major undertaking for the hundreds of volunteers and postal workers who take part, adding hours of additional work to each letter carrier’s day. This year, Feeding America West Michigan and the Post Office have been tweaking the logistics of the drive to reduce the burden on the carriers.
The NALC Food Drive boasts a long list of sponsors and supporters, including AARP, which provided the bags for donors to fill with food, and Campbell Soup Company. A full list of sponsors may be found at http://stampouthunger.info/.
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