Is the snow finally gone? Not Quite
Spring is just a day away! Tomorrow, March 20th is the first day of spring, and, hopefully, we don't have to worry about shoveling snow for a bunch of months, right? Do you think we're finally finished with snow? Maybe. Is it all gone? Nope, not in my yard.
Some may remember my Facebook post this winter when the Kent County road crews, who plow our neighborhood, plowed me in with over 25 inches in my driveway.
An hour and a half later, with help, I got it cleared. But, notice the large pile on the edge of the driveway? That's where my snow plow service piles the snow they clear from my driveway. It was 7 + feet then. But, now...?
We've had over 47 inches in Grand Rapids this year. Certainly not a record, but enough for me. And this little "blip" of snow left in my yard, well, bye bye, snow pile. See you again in December.