Influences From African Spirituality to be Discussed at Marywood
A fascinating conversation will be held one week from today, Saturday, March 9 at the Dominican Center at Marywood from 8:30 a.m. to 12 Noon.
Our news partner, WZZM TV13, reports the influences of African Spirituality, is an ongoing presentation, semiannual series called Women of God. Women of God is organized around a given theme, featuring the life stories of specific women, the historical context in which they live, and the ways in which their spirituality empowers and sustains them.
Presenters are: Kate Okolocha, OP; Ann Walters, OP; Matheta Murra Righa, and JoMarie Williams, MC. They are four Catholic women whose spirituality has been profoundly gifted by the cultural influences of Kenya and Nigeria. Matheta was born and raised in Kenya, Sister Kate in Nigeria; Sisters Ann and JoMarie were born in the United States, but spent time ministering in Nigeria and Kenya.
Once again, it's Saturday, March 9; 8:30 AM - 12 NOON
Cost is $35.00, and you may register for the morning presentation online at http://dominicancenter.com/programs/program/?id=249 ; or, to register by phone, call the front desk at 616.454.1421 (Option 5).
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