Grand Rapids Mayor Rosalynn Bliss Writes Letter to Kalamazoo
Grand Rapids Mayor Rosalynn Bliss has offered the city's condolences to those affected by the mass shooting in Kalamazoo that took place Saturday night.
In a letter to Kalamazoo Mayor Bobby Hopewell, Bliss wrote: "We are terribly saddened by the events of this past weekend. We also express our sincere sympathy and offer prayers and peace during your period of grief and mourning."
Bliss also brought up the outpouring of support that was shown to Grand Rapids from Kalamazoo in the aftermath of the mass shooting committed by Rodrick Dantzler in July of 2011. Bliss said, in part, "We have never forgotten the love, generosity and support bestowed to our community by the people of Kalamazoo during that time of sorrow."
Here's Bliss' letter to Mayor Hopewell in its entirety.
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