Fighter Jets Flying Over Grand Rapids? What’s Up With That?
Many folks, especially on the South West Side of Grand Rapids, have reported seeing Fighter Jets flying over the city. Naturally they are curious and wondering what is going on.
The Reddit Grand Rapids website users have a discussion going that they have seen the A-10 Thunderbolts, also known as the "Warthogs," flying our skies. So, what's up?
There is not any official word on the flyovers, but plenty of speculation. Apparently they are doing a lot of training and may be using the Ford Airport facilities as a sort of base.
They could be practicing for some Air Shows, too. The Fourth of July weekend is the big Air Show at the Cherry Festival in Traverse City, and I know the U.S. Navy Blue Angles with be there with many other stunt pilots and possibly the A-10Thunderbolts.
One comment on Reddit said one of the A-10s flew over Richmond Park a day or so ago. One of them rolled 90 ° and did a banked turn for the kids in the pool. How cool was that!
Military jets will be practicing landing in the UP next week, so it could be related to that. At any rate, someone saw two A-10s over Grandville yesterday, which is another cool sight.
Those in the know also commented that a lot of times ANG units will happily donate their time and resources. No matter what they are going to get their training and flight hours in to stay sharp. Practicing target time is also something they have to do no matter what.
Man, I hope I see these guys soon!
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