Do You Remember the Grand Rapids Public Library Bookworm?
Grand Rapids Public Library is turning 150 years old in 2021, and has been sharing cool parts of its history - which includes, apparently, a mascot bookworm that delivered books to kids.
I had no idea GRPL once had a mascot! Do you or your parents or grandparents remember the GRPL Bookworm?

According to a Facebook post from the library, during the 1950s the GRPL Bookworm visited schools and festivals to share info about the library's collection, resources, and upcoming events.
The Bookworm brought books to kids during the summer months when they were out of school. Those antennae perched atop the Bookworm's head? Apparently they'd light up "when the bookworm encountered a fellow reader."
I love it! Ok, the old costume was *slightly* creepy, but hey, I'm all for whatever gets kids to read! I think the GRPL should bring back the Bookworm- with an updated costume - what do you think?
You can find out more about the library's history here.
As of March 8, 2021, GRPL branches have reopened to the public with limited hours and services. At the Main library, at 111 Library St., browsing is only available in the front half of the building to ensure the health and safety of guests and staff. GRPL says all buildings are cleaned regularly and returned materials are sanitized and quarantined before they return to the shelf. Find more or GRPL's COVID-19 health and safety guidelines here.
GRPL still offers curbside pick up through GRPL To Go and recently began offering free delivery.
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