Another Restaurant is Closing in Grand Rapids
Grand Rapids will say goodbye to another restaurant this weekend.
Fox 17 reports that Mangiamo! on Lake Drive will close August 20th.
Owner and operator, The Gilmore Collection has announced they will be transforming the site, which includes a 19th century mansion and 3.5 acres, into a special events destination for weddings, community events, and fundraisers.
According to historygrandrapids.org, the Italian-themed restaurant was opened by The Gilmore Collection in 2005.
The company says that employees at Mangiamo! have been offered transfers to other Gilmore Collection restaurants, which include the B.O.B, Flat River Grill, Rose's and more.
Other restaurants West Michigan has lost this year include Black Heron, BD’s Mongolian Grill, Mandarin Chinese Restaurant, and Macaroni Grill.