Adopt Davina From Crash’s Landing
Davina has gone from nearly starving on the streets last winter, to finding the safety of Crash's Landing. Now, she's ready for another big change, a home to call her own.
Crash's Landing is a non-profit, no-kill cat rescue center. Since opening in Grand Rapids in 2002, Crash's Landing has helped more than 2,500 cats. But there is still work to be done.
Each Friday on 100.5 The River is Purrrfect Friday, where we feature a cat from Crash's Landing that needs a home.
This week, we're spotlighting Davina.
Davina was saved just in time. She was brought off the streets in late January of 2019, just as a nasty winter storm was blowing in. Davina was half-starved, shivering and had a nasty bite wound. A friend of Crash's Landing provided a foster home as Davina patiently waited for a spot to open at the shelter.
As winter ended, Davina found a spot at Crash's Landing. It took her some time to adjust, but she continues to grow more comfortable and interested in exploring her surroundings.
Davina is ready for a home that will show her patience and give her time to gain confidence.
Please adopt Davina!