Adopt Basil Wrathbone From Crash’s Landing
Most cats go by one name. Some are deserving of more. Meet Basil Wrathbone and learn the struggles he has suffered, then you'll understand why he is so special.
Crash's Landing is a non-profit, no-kill cat rescue center. Since opening in Grand Rapids in 2002, Crash's Landing has helped more than 2,500 cats. But there is still work to be done.
Each Friday on 100.5 The River is Purrrfect Friday, where we feature a cat from Crash's Landing that needs a home.
This week, we're spotlighting Basil Wrathbone.
Basil Wrathbone arrived at Crash's Landing just over two months ago on October 2nd.
He had been living under a community pool deck at an apartment complex in Byron Center. The residents loved him as he kept the rodents away, but being outdoors he ended up with his left front paw in a wild animal trap that was hidden away in his hiding place. He was in pain and frightened, but no one could catch him to help as he ran off with the trap still attached to his foot.
No one saw Basil for a month. He hobbled back on three legs. The bones of his foot were sticking out of paw that had lost all of its toes. Finally, he was brought inside. Crash's Landing was soon contacted and he was brought into surgery. A lot of work was necessary followed by a long recovery and a transition to life at the shelter, but Basil is ready for a new home and a better life.
Please adopt Basil Wrathbone!