For Parents

Top Baby Names
Top Baby Names
Top Baby Names
What were the most popular baby names in West Michigan in 2014? Well, according to the birth records at Spectrum Health, Olivia and Noah were the most popular for boys and girls respectively. This year, there are several newcomers to the girl’s list, including Avery, Ella and Nora. Some new boy names also took over the list in 2014 – William, Caleb, Carter, Henry, Benjamin and Jackson were all add
Holiday Baking
Holiday Baking
Holiday Baking
By Laurenda Marie Bennett I know I’m not the only one that becomes absolutely pumpkin obsessed around the holidays. Am I right? There is just something about the season that makes me want to consume pumpkin in every single form.
Black Thursday
Black Thursday
Black Thursday
Did you make it out shopping on Thanksgiving Day, better known at Black Thursday? You know, it's what Black Friday used to start in the morning on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Remember those good old days? Then some stores bumped it to midnight -- and customers lined up.
New Survey Shows That The Person Your Kids Think Of As Their Hero Is YOU
New Survey Shows That The Person Your Kids Think Of As Their Hero Is YOU
New Survey Shows That The Person Your Kids Think Of As Their Hero Is YOU
You spend some of the best years of your life in the (sometimes) thankless job of being a parent. Then your kids just grow up and say that they are striving not to be like you, but maybe this will keep you going. According to a new survey, the person your kids are most likely to see as being their personal "hero" is you.

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