Get A Free Small Ice Cream Cone Tuesday At West MI DQ Locations
NO matter what the groundhog, skunk, warthog or anyone else said, we have officially made it through the Winter!!!
Tomorrow, March 20th is the first day of Spring and to celebrate Dairy Queen is giving out free ice cream cones! You can stop into any of the Dairy Queens and DQ Grill and Chills around the country that are non-mall locations for your free small ice cream cone, according to Dairy Queen’s website. They’ll also be collecting donations for the Children’s Miracle Network as well.
Fox 17 reported that you may want to call ahead before going to your fave DQ location to make sure they’re participating in the promotion. Fox 17 found out that at the location on West Fulton, you actually have to walk up to the window to order in order to get your free vanilla cone and donate to the CMN.
Oh and btw, it’s only good for the small vanilla cone, so don’t get all crazy because you can’t get anything different for free.
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