What Can You do if You Test Positive for COVID19?
We know that the COVID vaccine is working well. But for the unvaccinated, the worry is what can you do if you test positive and begin showing symptoms?
Monoclonal Antibody treatment is the answer, and Spectrum Health is the plase, as they have treated almost 900 patients with monoclonal antibodies, which help patients recover faster and better after being diagnosed with COVID-19.
Fox17 reported on two of those patients, Ben and Marie Sovinksi. They received the treatment on Friday. Ben and Marie are certainly in a high risk category. Ben is 96 years old and Marie is 100 years old, and they have been married for nearly 75 years, and they decided the therapy treatment would be a good option for them once they received a positive test result.
Marie said, "we didn’t want to get too serious with it because of our age. So that is why we decided to come down today."
Dr. Gordana Simeunovic, who I have had as a guest on the morning show, is an infectious disease specialist with Spectrum Health, says anyone is encouraged to get the treatment. Although, it is highly recommended for those who may have pre-exisiting conditions or those who may be high risk for developing severe illness.
"One of the most important risk factors for severe COVID is definitely age. We think that everyone 65 or older is at risk for severe disease and should get treatment," said Dr. Simeunovic.
The key here is that treatment must be given with 10 days from the beginning of symptoms. Data currently reports that monoclonal antibody treatment can reduce hospitalization by up to 70 percent.
Patients typically feel better between 14 and 72 hours.
Spectrum currently is one of the leading hospitals in the states for how many patients have received this type of antibody therapy.
LOOK: Answers to 30 common COVID-19 vaccine questions