The Rapid is Phasing out Paper Tickets
I remember riding the city bus with my Grandmother when I was just a wee lad. We'd hop on the bus and Grandma would drop a few coins into the glass sided box next to the bus driver.
Over the years things have changed in just how you pay for your bus ride. For convenience, instead of always carrying coins, you could buy 10-ride paper tickets. As of February 28th you will no longer be able to use the paper tickets. Instead the option to pay is either cash or a electronic fare system called the Wave card.
What should you do if you have extra paper tickets you will not use by the end of the month? You can trade those tickets in for their value on an existing Wave card, or you can get a new Wave card with the remaining value loaded onto it.
To trade in your old paper tickets, stop by the Rapid Central Station, located at 300 Ellsworth Ave SW in Grand Rapids, between Monday, February 22nd and Friday, March 5th. The Information Center will be open from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm Monday through Friday.
If you are not familiar with the Wave card, The Rapid's website fully explains how it works.
For additional information, you can also follow them on their The Rapid Facebook page
And for some strange reason, the entire time I've been writing this post the Weird Al song "Another Rides the Bus" (a parody of Queen's "Another Bites the Dust") has been playing in my head...
OK, what other songs about a bus can you think of? There is The Who's "Magic Bus", the kids song "The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round", and The Hollies' "Bus Stop". Those are the only ones I can think of. Can you add to the list?
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