The Ducks are Running at Ken-O-Sha Park Elementary
This is one of the cutest stories ever. It's a love story. A story about a mother and her children. Every mother would do anything to protect her children and have them in a safe place to grow up. We can all relate, right Moms? However, this love story has a little twist. You see, this mom and her children aren't human, they're ducks.
Every year for more than a decade, a mother duck has been nesting in the courtyard of Ken-O-Sha Park Elementary School here in Grand Rapids, a part of Grand Rapids Public Schools.
When the time is right, mother duck pecks on the door to let the students and staff members know she is ready to lead her ducklings out to the wild. I'm serious, she pecks on the door to say, "quack, we're ready to go."
The staff then make arrangements throughout the school to ensure that the mother duck successfully follows the right hallways to reach the great outside.
Teacher Jolynn Bosch said, “the ducks keep coming back year after year. They seem to trust us to safely help them get out of the enclosed school area and into the natural Plaster Creek area, where they belong.”
The eggs hatched on Wednesday, and in consultation with John Ball Zoo experts, the school set the official running of the eleven hatchlings for yesterday, Monday morning at 11:00am.
One kindergarten student said when asked what she thought about the ducks, "they are so cute and I so am excited for them to walk out because it will be like a parade."
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