
Grand Rapids is #1 in U.S. for Job Growth
Grand Rapids is #1 in U.S. for Job Growth
Grand Rapids is #1 in U.S. for Job Growth
The economy of Grand Rapids, and its metro areas, keeps getting better! A study done by Headlight Data, a website that collects data on economics and the workforce, found that Grand Rapids had the highest rate of job growth in 2016 compared to any other state in the country...
Detroit Man Walks 21 Miles to Work Every Day [Video]
Detroit Man Walks 21 Miles to Work Every Day [Video]
Detroit Man Walks 21 Miles to Work Every Day [Video]
This story will just melt your heart. James Robertson, 56, of Detroit leaves his home at 8 a.m. every morning to start the trek to his job in Rochester Hills, which is 23 miles away. He takes a bus part way there and part way home, but the rest of the way he walks an astounding 21 miles five days a week -- Monday through Friday, The Detroit Free Press reported.

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