st. patricks day

Grand Rapids St. Patricks Day Family Friendly FUN For Everyone!
Grand Rapids St. Patricks Day Family Friendly FUN For Everyone!
Grand Rapids St. Patricks Day Family Friendly FUN For Everyone!
I'm not Irish.  I don't like green beer, or really any other colored beer.  And I've had my fill of obnoxious, drunk people after I working and DJ-ing in clubs for various radio stations over the years.   I don't have children, so I never really thought much about this in the past, but St...
St. Patricks Day Irish Car Bomb Cupcakes Recipe!
St. Patricks Day Irish Car Bomb Cupcakes Recipe!
St. Patricks Day Irish Car Bomb Cupcakes Recipe!
These cupcakes looked a little "boozy" to me but what the hey?  St. Patrick's Day in America is celebrated with booze so why not mix a little chocolate with it.  Don't these sound decadent!  Before you say yuck, give it a chance.  The reviews are in, and while I have not personally tried this recipe yet, for those who like chocolate and liquor I think you might have found your own person
Where Is The Party
Where Is The Party
Where Is The Party
It's St. Patrick's Day -- how are you going to celebrate? Just over 30-percent of those taking part in a National Restaurant Association poll say they'll be going to their favorite restaurant or bar to toast the occasion. Just under 30-percent will be seeking out a place that is recognizing the holiday by serving green beer or traditional Irish dishes...