Laughfest wraps up this weekend. It is also St. Patrick’s Day on Saturday. There is hockey and basketball, fishing and boating. On stage it’s Peter and the Wolf, Pink and more! Plus a free day at the museum.
ArtPrize has announced Wednesday's Pitch Night Louisville winning entry.
"Gaze-bo(ught)" by Leticia Bajuyo is the winner of a $5,000 cash grant as well as a high-profile spot at Lyon Square in Grand Rapids for ArtPrize Eight.
There have been a handful of ArtPrize entries loved by both art professionals and the public over the years, Kate Gilmore's "Higher Ground" is one of those. The entry won the Juried Grand Prize at ArtPrize Seven.
The popular entry has had its pink siding removed.
For American women, breast cancer is the second most common cancer -- second only to skin cancer.
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month to raise the consciousness about the potentially fatal disease that affects about 12 percent of women in the U.S.
His name is Chas Burtchett, and I first met him and heard him sing at the Autism Support of Kent County Walkathon a few weeks back at Kuiper College. I've been hosting the event for the past 5 years or so. Chas was telling me and some of the others, about his sister who was diagnosed with Autism.