This is such a sweet video, something all parents should watch.
It seems a dad spent all night working on a Darth Vader costume so that he could surprise his two-year-old son in the morning with a special Lord Darth Vader Star Wars wake-up call. So, what happened? You'll have to watch.
Time for some fun with Star Wars. With the opening of The Force Awakes, the hype has literally been in hyper space. You can't escape it, TV, magazines, radio, social media, everywhere. The movie may become the all-time box office champ.
But, for those who may not have seen one of the past Star Wars movies, and there probably aren't many, let's take you back to the very first movie made.
Calling all Star Wars geeks. A new trailer has been released in China. It has new footage and reveals several new details about the plot. Are you ready?
Omaze, an Internet company that raises money for non-profit organizations, has a very cool promotion going right now. They teamed up with the Star Wars gang, went on line to talk and thank some of their past supporters, make a big announcement, and throw in a little surprise.
It’s summer, which means the movie studios are pulling out all the stops to get you into an air-conditioned theater to see the best that they can offer.
This past weekend, Ted 2 opened up, which features Mark Wahlberg and a talking teddy bear.