GRPD Need Your Help Finding the Grand Rapids ArsonistGRPD Need Your Help Finding the Grand Rapids ArsonistThe suspect has targeted the same home twice since the beginning of this month.ChristineChristine
World’s Biggest Lint Ball to be Set on Fire in Michigan This WeekWorld’s Biggest Lint Ball to be Set on Fire in Michigan This WeekThe 1,000 pound lint ball is in a shipping container. The lint will be formed into a ball, officially weighed on a crane, then set on fire .Matt MilhouseMatt Milhouse
Ohio’s Stench Is Seeping into MichiganOhio’s Stench Is Seeping into MichiganJust another reason why Ohio stinks.ChristineChristine
Santa’s Workshop Burned Down, Christmas Still HappeningSanta’s Workshop Burned Down, Christmas Still HappeningPolice are still looking for suspects. Rob SparksRob Sparks
Prime Day ends today! Don’t miss out!Prime Day ends today! Don’t miss out!Prime Day is live! We've put together this page for all the great deals we discover throughout the sale. Be sure to check back since we'll be posting awesome deals as we find them!Pip DickerPip Dicker
Former Spring Lake Bakery Building Catches Fire And Shuts Down M-104Former Spring Lake Bakery Building Catches Fire And Shuts Down M-104The building was being demolished when it caught fire. Rob SparksRob Sparks
Dramatic Video Shows Michigan Wind Turbine Shooting Heavy Black Smoke And Flaming DebrisDramatic Video Shows Michigan Wind Turbine Shooting Heavy Black Smoke And Flaming DebrisThe blaze happened at a wind farm in the Thumb region Monday afternoon Brandon JamesBrandon James
Missing Cats Found After Grand Rapids’ Apartment Fire Friday NightMissing Cats Found After Grand Rapids’ Apartment Fire Friday NightA nice follow up from a sad story.Rob SparksRob Sparks
You Can Buy a Log For Your Fire That Smells Like KFCYou Can Buy a Log For Your Fire That Smells Like KFCThey're really struggling for ideas this Christmas, aren't they? AJAJ
GR Fire Department’s High Rating Could Lower Home Insurance CostsGR Fire Department’s High Rating Could Lower Home Insurance CostsIt is the highest rating available and the Grand Rapids Fire Department is the first to receive the rating in Michigan.Matt MilhouseMatt Milhouse
Passerby Saves Woman From Burning Car in MichiganPasserby Saves Woman From Burning Car in MichiganOn Saturday, the quick action of a fellow driver helped to save the life of a woman trapped in a burning car on US-127 near Clare/ Roscommon.JannaJanna
Michigan Firefighters Battling Wildfires on West CoastMichigan Firefighters Battling Wildfires on West CoastThe DNR firefighters assist in any way they can and use the opportunity to gain valuable experience for fighting fires in Michigan.Matt MilhouseMatt Milhouse