This documentary, based on a book titled "A City Within A City" by Dr. Todd E. Robinson, will show racism in certain cities and Grand Rapids is a part of the list.
A new documentary film about Gerald R. Ford has been commissioned by the Peter F. Secchia Family of Grand Rapids and the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation.
Ark Media and producers Barak Goodman and Chris Durrance are writing, directing and producing the film.
Five years after his death, Michael Jackson continues to make headlines with posthumous album debuts and a 3D version of "The Thriller" music documentary in the works for a 2015 release.
Meanwhile, Jackson fans can also look forward to a new music documentary from MarVista Digital Entertainment, "Michael Jackson: The Journey," being released digitally and on demand starting Thu
I love architecture! Recently I sold a number of paintings that were done by architect Frank Lloyd Wright's last apprentice on eBay, his name was Robert Green. I purchased a number of Robert's paintings from his son Matthew. I think his paintings were so wonderful because there was just something so different about them. Maybe being an architect, that happened to be lucky enough to study und